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St Margaret Mary's College, Hyde Park

St Margaret Mary's College, Hyde Park

Address 1-9 Crowle Street, Hyde Park QLD 4812
Region Townsville
Telephone (07) 4726 4900
Principal Kathleen McCarthy
Year Levels Offered Years 7-12
Student Population 721
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About the School

Founded as a secondary school in 1963 by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, St Margaret Mary's College is Townsville’s premier girls-only school

The College accepts enrolments from years 7 to 12, with a wide variety of subjects and vocational programs. The College is also noted for its extracurricular activities, its commitment to students with special needs and its variety of service opportunities for students.

The College emphasises participation, service and the full development of young women who can contribute positively to the world. With a range of modern facilities and equipment, encouragement for student leadership and initiative, and an openness to all who support the Catholic ethos of the College, the staff are able to provide a high quality of education for all students.

Our young women choose across the whole educational range of courses and careers. The College strives to produce well-educated, articulate young women, able to appreciate and participate in many spheres of life.

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